In digital marketing, a landing page is a standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It’s where a visitor “lands” after they click on a link in an email, or ads from Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or similar places on the web.
As the place where the sale is completed, it should have a good description, image and video, present the advantages of your products and compare them with similar competitors’ products. It is also good to mention in the landing page why customers should prefer your products. A landing page can promote Products or Services and sell one product or a combination of products. Finally, it must contain a card payment method.
What is the difference between a landing page and a web page?
Unlike web pages, which typically have many goals and encourage exploration, landing pages are designed with a single focus or goal, known as a call to action. It’s this focus that makes landing pages the best option for increasing the conversion rates of your marketing campaigns and lowering your cost of acquiring a lead or sale.
While the homepage has dozens of potential distractions, the landing page is super focused. Having fewer links on your landing page increases conversions, as there are fewer tantalizing clickables that’ll carry visitors away from the call to action. That’s why expert marketers always use a dedicated landing page as the destination of their traffic.
Sure, the homepage looks amazing. It shows off the brand, lets people explore a range of products, and offers additional info about the company and its values. From here, a visitor can go anywhere—apply for a job, read some press releases, review the terms of service, post on the community boards, etc.
But they won’t necessarily make a purchase. And that’s the point. The landing page for this customer serves a completely different purpose. Paired with super slick ads that promote a single offer, everything about it works hard to turn these visitors into customers. It’s doing a better job to convert the traffic the brand’s already getting. That’s the power of landing pages!
Types of Landing Pages
You’ll see a lot of variation out there, depending on the specifics of the business, but there are really two archetypal landing page (defined by their goals):
Lead Generation Landing Pages: Also called “lead gen” or “lead capture” pages, these use a form as their call to action. This form almost always collects lead data, like the names and email addresses of visitors. B2B marketers and companies selling high-ticket items use this type of landing page to build a list of prospective customers. They sometimes offering something free, like an e-book or webinar, in exchange for contact info. Ecommerce brands can also use these pages for list-building, or offering free shipping or special deals, too.
Clickthrough Landing Pages: Frequently used by ecommerce and SaaS (software-as-a-service) marketers, clickthrough pages go straight for sales or subscription. Usually, they have a simple button as the call to action that sends the visitor into the checkout flow (like the app store) or completes a transaction.
Why should I create a Landing Page?
There are many instances where a potential customer’s first interaction with a brand comes through organic and paid search. As such, landing pages are a vital touch point, serving as an initial brand interaction, an avenue to nurture leads with compelling content or an opportunity to generate qualified leads through form fills. Simply put, marketing campaigns that don’t factor in landing pages in some fashion are inherently flawed.
Well-crafted landing pages leave a good first impression, provide value for the reader and offer tangible next steps. For example, a call-to-action button or links to related content on the site. Therefore they improve click-through rates and effectively jumpstart the customer journey.
Just as your website contains information that influences a visitor’s decision to take action, a good landing page will do the same. A landing page sets up a clear action for users to take and makes it as easy as possible for them to take that action. This is known as your call to action. As a result, you will see more of that action being taken (also known as conversion). Landing pages benefit your business because more conversions typically leads to more customers and more money for your business.
A successful Search Engine Marketing or paid search campaign depends on click through rates, and click through rates are influenced by landing pages. For example, you may use an SEM campaign to bid on keywords to have your business show up when someone searches “bathroom remodeling” into a search engine. The link from that ad could be your website homepage or a sub page on your site, but that will only get people to your website. By using a landing page, you can generate more leads than if you directed people to your website homepage.
A landing page specifically created for an advertising campaign, will bring interested people to one web page. On this page they will find information only about what they’re interested, increasing the likelihood that they will call your business or fill out a form, and become a new lead. Since this is exactly what the person is looking for in their search, and the landing page further facilitates the ultimate goal of the user, they are more likely to click on that link and follow through with all of the steps.
If, on the other hand, your advertisement directs visitors to your website homepage with general information not geared toward a specific advertising purpose, your visitors may get lost in the information or distracted by other links, making them less likely to contact your business and become a new lead.
It is equally important that with the landing page you don’t need to have an E-shop to accept payments. So do you want your sales to be completed immediately but without incurring the costs of an entire E-shop? If your answer is yes, the ideal solution for you is the landing page!
Additionally, if you use a form on your landing page that asks for email, your landing page can then benefit your business by growing your email list. When someone fills out a form, you can have an “opt-in” button where someone can also ask to receive emails and offers from your business. You can add these opted in users to your email list and send out newsletters, announcements, sales, and promotions (which will link to more landing pages!), ensuring that your business stay top of mind and informative.
In conclusion, when users feel that their course of action is clear and you are helping them to achieve this course of action, they recognize that you understand their problems and have thought about creating the best process for solving them. This increases your company’s credibility and helps you reap even greater benefits.
Still not convinced you need to incorporate landing pages into your digital marketing strategy? If you want to take advantage of a landing page, don’t waste any more time! Remember that most of the times the price and the quality of the product or service does not matter. The presentation is all that matters!!! So trust the experts and watch your sales grow!